
【英语角】第48期:Emotional Quotient(情商)

2017年03月10日 18:56 点击:[]

“Emotional Quotient”3月7日与9日晚,由外国语/中德学院、新竹书院和安吉校区外语协会主办的英语角在新语咖啡吧如期举行。本学期的第一次英语角,我们在邀请外教Ali、David、Jimmy以及Thomas的同时我们在邀请外教Ali、David、Jimmy以及Thomas的同时,我们还特别邀请了一直关心和支持英语角的叶高翔校长。
叶校长讲话之后,也加入了我们的分组交流。本期我们的主题是“Emotional Quotient(情商)”。情商与我们大学的学习以及生活中密不可分,而如何界定情商的高低呢,情商与智商到底哪个更重要呢,我们又该如何好好发展自己的情商呢?本期英语角,就对这一系列关于情商的问题做出了回答。
最后,依旧是同学们所熟知的“Free Talk”环节:探讨父母与孩子之间的代沟问题。在这次活动中同学们纷纷表示有所收获,锻炼了口语也交到了新的朋友。在同学们的热烈讨论下,我们结束了本次英语角活动,同学们沉浸在英语角的愉快氛围里,仍旧迟迟不愿离开。

Good evening everyone,

It is my great honor to speak here today,and I want to say that English Conner is avery nice platform for all our students. Actually, I like to visit this kind of platform, likeEnglish Conner,very much. Each year I will come tothe English Connerto talk with our students.

It is the first time to speak here to talk to you face to face this year, and to see our new students that come from all different areas of China. So I’d like to share two suggests with you: firstly, I hope that our studentions can come and join us very often. This is a very nice platform for you to talk with other students, with our professors from other countries, talk with international students, to improve your oral English level, and to exchange ideas with other students and professors. Four years later, when you try to find a job in a company or in some other universities that you try to find a position to continue your study, then English is necessary for you to show your ability: how the level you can talk; you can exchange ideas with foreigners; how a level that you can write English papers, and something like that. So, if you can come very often, I think you can improve your English level, and also you will make many many friends here that you can encourage each other, help each other and exchange ideas with each other. This is my first suggestion.

The second one: you chose the university here, all the students please follow the regulations of our university, please follow the school motto, that is theVirtue andTruth,Practicality, andCreativity. Everyone should follow this school motto, and also please inherit the fine style of study. All the students should study very hard, and attend all the teaching activities organized by the university. Finish all the homework, if you cannot finish it, you can discuss with other students and ask questions to the professors. I think all the members on the campus are brothers and sisters, our university like a big family. Maybe you can see, oh he is my professor, yes, he is your professor, but also he is your old brother, like me. Probably, you will say, oh she is my professor, she is my director, or advisor, yes, but also she is your old sister, so all the people on the campus please learn from each other and help each other. Same thing here, in theEnglish Conner,and please come here very often, you can help each other, you can find some good friends here. I hope four years later, many many students will tell me, the experience here, you will say, that is excellent! And here is a good news that I want to share with you, one of my students got the offer of the Harvard university today, so she will get her PHD there. I also hope you can achieve your dreams of life, and four years later, I hope that I can hear many many good news form you!
Thank you!

图/文 新竹书院、外语协会

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