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A letter to ZUSTers

Dec 14, 2021 Hits:

Dear students:

Recently, affected by the mutation of the newcoronavirus, the global epidemic situation is still uncertain. In recent days, new confirmed cases continuously occurred in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing and may occur in other places in Zhejiang Province, which once again made the epidemic prevention and control necessary and urgent, and the risk of epidemic spread still exists. In order to fully consolidate the hard-won prevention and control results, we hereby issue an initiative to all international students:

1. Pay close attention to the epidemic liud development

Continue to pay attention to the latest epidemic notification and the epidemic prevention measures of the "留学生中心ISAC" WeChat official account and class wechat group, strictly implement the epidemic prevention and control regulations of the government, schools and communities, do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, do not panic, and remain vigilant against the epidemic.

2. Report personal health information timely and truthfully

Keep self-health management, do daily health check on "浙科云战疫", and cooperate with the flying check of health code and travel code by SOIE to ensure that all kinds of information are reported in a timely and truthful manner. If you encounter physical discomfort or had abnormal travel history, please contact your advisor as soon as possible.

3. Strictly abide by the prevention and control regulations

In order to follow prevention and control regulations of the epidemic, students are asked to stay in your current residential place recently, do not leave Hangzhou without permission and cut trips and visits to other parts of Hangzhou. Students are requested to keep health protection awareness, wear masks scientifically, wash hands frequently, ventilate rooms frequently, avoid gatherings, try to avoid eating, watching, shopping and other activities in crowded places outside the campus, do not participate in gathering activities, keep social distance, and strictly abide by the epidemic prevention regulations of the university’s and communities’.

4. Pay attention to psychological health

Since the emergence of the epidemic, most of the international students here have not seen their families for 2 years, and must have deeply missed homeland and family members. We also hope that students can keep in touch with family and friends through phone call and video, so that the warmth and love can dispel the sadness of leaving home. Meanwhile, you can also communicate with the your advisor, or make an appointment with the psychological councelor with the help of your advisor to talk about the problems encountered, and we will try our best to help you or improve our work.

Everyone is responsible for fighting the epidemic. Thank all students for continuous support and cooperation in ZUST epidemic prevention work. Now it is the critical period for epidemic prevention and control. Please work with us to continue to fight the epidemic and build the healthy campus.

School of International Education,

Zhejiang University of Science and Technology

December 14, 2021
