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Greetings from ZUST

Jun 5, 2020 Hits:

Dear allZUSTstudentscurrentlyout of China:

NowCOVID-19 situation in China has been efficiently controlled under the great efforts of Chinese government. However, it develops very fast abroad. So far, we have not met you at ZUST campus for almost 5 months.We wisheverything goes well with you all.Here are some tips in the following aspects:

1.Your Health

Nothing is more important than your health. Protect yourself. Take care of your family.We highly recommend all of you not to go out very often. If you do have to go out, wear a mask; Wash your hands frequently and properly; Make sure your roomis well ventilatedand avoid going to crowded places such as hospitals, railway stations and airports,etc.; Avoid close contact with people who have flu or cold-like symptoms.

2. Academic Study

Uptonow, ZUST has carried out online teaching withspecial anddiverse approaches for almost three months. Please arrange your study properly at home and attend class and exams as scheduled.

3.Time back to Hangzhou

Please wait patiently. As soon as we receiveanoticeconcerning this matter, we will inform youaccordinglyand offer necessary assistance toallstudents to return to Hangzhou.

Pleaseconveyourwarmestregards and greetings to your family. If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will try our best to help you or offer some suggestions. In this difficult period, we believe:one world, one dream---only if we are united, we will surelydefeat theCOVID-19.”

Hope to see you in Hangzhou soon.


