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2009 autumn semester opening ceremony for international students in ZUST held

Sep 23, 2009 Hits:

The autumn semester opening ceremony for international students in ZUST was held on sep.15th. Vice President Lv Jin of ZUST, leaders of the International Office, staff from the International Education School all attended this ceremony. More than 80 international students from 14 countries attended this ceremony as well.

On behalf of the university, Lv Jin expressed heart-felt welcome to all students. After briefing the developmental history of the university, he also made several requirements for international students: Study Chinese language and their majors with determination, confidence and perseverance; Don’t be shy to ask questions; Believethat diligence makes success; Obey school rules and regulations and go to class on time; Finally, he wished that all students have good time in ZUST.

International student’s representative, Kafula from Zambia made an impressive speech. He has been studying in ZUST for half a year and has become an undergraduate student majoring in International Economics and Trade this September. Kafula recalled his days and expressed his love for China . He also appreciated the warm help from his Chinese teachers and said he would study harder in the future.

Officers from theDivision of Exit-Entry Administration of Hangzhou Public Security Bureau gave a detailed lecture on issues of visa application during the ceremony.

HSK scholarship winner of last semester were also awarded during the ceremony.
