
Student Collective Outings Security System of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology(ZUST)

Feb 1, 2023 Hits:

I.This system is formulatedin accordance withthe relevant provisions of theUniversitysecurity work and the relevantspirit of the school,in combination withthe specific safety guidelines oftheschoolwith a view to effectivelyprevent,control and eliminateunexpected accidentsduring StudentCollectiveOutings, protectingthe safety and property of our students, maintainingthe normal order of the campus.

II.StudentCollectiveOutings (activities organizedin the name of theUniversities,SubordinatedSchool,Classes,Dormitories,Youth League Commission, LeagueBranch,StudentUnions,StudentAssociationsand etc. except for theteaching activities organizedbythe TeachingDepartment) arestrictly controlledby the University. Student CollectiveOutingsorganized by theSubordinatedSchool,Classes, Youth LeagueCommissionand StudentCommittees,StudentCommunityAssociationsandetc.must beappliedstrictly in accordance with the application approval process.

III.The plans oforganizing StudentCollectiveOutingsshould be firstly consented by the class teacher or adviser, then examinedby the ViceSecretaryoftheGeneralBranch(GeneralBranchCommitteemembers) after being verified by the Counselors in charge.StudentCollectiveOutingsoutsideof Hangzhou but in Zhejiang Province shouldbe reportedtoStudentWorkDepartment (StudentsAffairsDepartment)forapproval. StudentCollectiveOutingsout of Zhejiang Provence should be reported to School Leaders in chargedfor approval.All collective outings are required to develop a detailed program of activities as well as a detailedandtargeted security plantoidentify the organizers and responsiblepeople.At the same time, there should be one to twoteachersto be the leader(s).All theprograms and plansmentioned above should be reported to the StudentsAffair Office to keep on record.

IV.StudentCollectiveOutingsshouldadhere tothe principle of ‘Safe,Local, Nearby. Organizersshould reconnoiteractivity venue in advanceto clarify the situation. Places withsteep terrainor in salutarysecurity measuresare not allowed togo.

V.Agreements on Responsibilityof Traffic safetyshould be signed in advancewith the transportation companies toclarify responsibilitiesofsecurity managementto both sides. Neverrentany vehiclewithout operating licenses&annual inspection certificatesor vehicle inpoorcondition. Resolutely put an end to the overload.

VI.When choosingtravel agenciesforStudentCollectiveOutings,organizers shouldcarefully selectthe ones with greatstrength, qualificationand repute. Never forget tosignrelatedcontracts togetherwith protocols forresponsibilityandsecurity.

VII.Approvalcan be carried out according to thefollowing processes, after the work related to outings plans, safety measuresandpre-survey preparation is finalized:

DownloadtheApproval Formfrom thewebsiteofStudentWorkDepartment---Fill outthe form according to the requirements---Organizetheresponsible persontosign---Askclass teachers/ instructorsor leaderstoauditandsign---Askthe counselortoauditandsign---Ask (vice)secretaryofStudentAffairsDepartmentor Student Work Department or relevant SchoolLeadersforapproval---Keep on recordat Student Work Department. Organizers shouldmake a timely feedback reportto host college counselors orthe(vice)secretaryof the University General Branchafter return to school.

VIII.Organizers andresponsiblepersonofclasses or groups which violate theprovisionsto organize StudentCollectiveOutingswithout permissionwillbe punished,criticized in a circular,canceled theeligibilityoftakingpart in applicationfor anyappraised awards. Those who cause accidents during the outings will be punished inaccordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

IX.Ifan accident has unfortunately happened during the trip,self rescueactionmust be immediatelytakenbyorganizers and the responsible people/person. Meanwhile they should call110, 120 or 119as well asreport to the school.The responsible person will be punishedin accordance with the relevant provisionsforheavier losses due toimproper/sloppy rescueprocedures.

X.The system will be in effect science from the date of promulgation.Student AffairsDepartment is responsible for the interpretation.
