
Safety Regulations Concerning Student Personal Outings of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology (ZUST)

Feb 1, 2023 Hits:

I. According to the instruction spirit of the Ministry of National Education on college students' safetyandto ensurethesafetyofindividual student holiday trips(including springandautumntrips)inthe schoolor collectiveoutings, theuniversityherebyformulatethe following regulations:

I.The subordinate schoolsshouldpay special attention tothe importance of safety ofindividual student holiday trips (includingspringandautumntrips)inthe schoolor studentscollectiveoutingsand take effective measures to prevent security incidentshappening.

II.The schoolwillorganizesWeekof Security andLawEducationin each school yearafterfreshmenentering the school;The subordinate schoolsshouldcarry outeffectivelysafetyregulationseducationat the beginning of each semesterto all students of the college and shouldstrengthen education and training of the students’safetyknowledge and skills of self-saving.Students who requireholiday outings should bestrictlyfollow theprincipleSafe, Near,Localformulatedby theMinistry of Education.

III.Studentswho take outings shouldpay attention to safetyand should not go to thesteep terrain or risky sites. Before leaving campus for outings, students mustpromptly inform the whereaboutstoroommatesand return to school on time.if thereisspecial reasonthat causethem to failreturn to school,studentsmustask leave fromteachersand counselorsandthen inform roommates by phone. For these students who dont come back to thedorm, roommatesshouldreport itimmediately to the class teachersand counselors.Students who leave Hangzhou should ask leave fromclass teachers andcounselors.

IV.For those students who live off-campus after outings without permission or leave Hangzhou privately without asking forleave,the subordinate schoolsshould issue Notice ofCriticism within the wholeschooland give somepunishmentsdepending on the seriousness of the case.

V.If collective activities likespringorautumntripsareorganized, students shouldfollowrelevantrules ofSafetyRegulations of StudentCollectiveOuting ActivitiesofZhejiang University of Science and Technology.

VI.It is strictly prohibitedto take illegal transportation; it is strictly prohibitedto swim in the wild ponds,lakes and other waters.Pay attention to foodsanity.

VII.The regulation isinterpretedby the Student Affairs Office and implementedfrom the date ofitspublication.
