
Punishment Provisions on Students Regulations Violation of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology (ZUST)

Feb 1, 2023 Hits:

Chapter One General Principle

I.In order to maintain good education order and an optimal living and learning environment , to promote the healthy growth of students , the regulations are formulated herein by Zhejiang University of Science and Technology(ZUST) in accordance with theEducation Law of the People’s Republic of China,Higher Education Law of the People’s Republic of China(Order No.41by Ministry of Education),Code of Conduct for University Students,Relevant Regulations on University Campus Order Managementand other relevant provisions , as well asthe practicalities of ZUST.

II.The Regulation is applicable toallfull-timemaster and bachelor degreestudents at ZUST.

III.During study at ZUST, disciplinary offenses, both in and out of campus, shall be imposed with reference to this document.

Chapter Two Principles, Types and Applicability of Disciplinary Actions

IV.The University should combine education with punishmentin disciplinary action,whichadapts to the nature and severity of students' illegal and disciplinary behaviors.The principles that the University should follow when giving punishments: sufficient evidence, clear basics, accurateevaluation,due processand appropriate punishment.

V.Students who violate University rules and regulations shall be subject to following punishments based on severity of theiroffenses, attitude of admitting a fault, behavior of repenting and so on:

(I) Warming ;

(II)Serious Warning ;

( III)Demerit;


(V) Expulsion

If students who have other disciplinary offenses but theoffensesare not that serious to receive the above punishments, the subordinate schools(Anji Campus) or relevant departmentsshould re-educate the students and correct the mistakes. Serious cases should be reported to the University.

VI.Students who receive punishment will be subject to following provisions:

(I)Removed from position as cadre in University, school or class and can not serve as cadreduring the period of receivingpunishment:In theMoralQualityEvaluationof theComprehensiveQualityEvaluation, the grade evaluation shall be given according to the specific provisions of theCivilization andDisciplineSection.

(II)The degree awarding will be processed according toRevisedProvisions forBachelorDegree Awarding of ZUSTand DetailedProvisions forMasterDegree Awarding of ZUST.

(III) Others conditions should be processed in accordance with the relevant provisions.

VII.If the following situations happen to students who violates University rules and regulations , more lenient actions shall be taken by the University or punishment will be exempted:

(I)Surrender himself to the public security organs and the surrendering behavior is recognized by the public security organ; admit mistakes proactively, account the errors truthfully and take inspection and cognition profoundly

(II)Offensesare committed as a result of others’ threat, and then voluntarily report and provide truthful facts about others’offenses; actively provide assistance of investigating problems and has good attitude of admitting mistake;

(III) Render meritorious service;

(IV) Other conditions in which students can be given a lighter punishment.

VIII.If the following situations happen to students who violate University rules and regulations,heavier punishments will be given:

(I) Refuse to acknowledgemistakes or harbor others’ disciplinary offenses;

(II) Intentionally cause investigation to be more complicated and difficult; create obstacles or disrupt the investigation in the process of evidence collection; withdraw a confession, prevent collusion or retaliate or threaten other people who are involved in the case;

(III) Two or more (including two) disciplinary offenses happen, or breach two or more (including two) provisions of this Regulation at one time;

(IV) Commit the crime with persons outside of University;

(V) Violate disciplines in foreign affairs activities;

(VI) Confirmed to be the organizer or leader of discipline groups;

(VII)Heavier punishment will be given to students who have been disciplined but break the rules again; students who receive punishments for several times will be given Probation or Expulsion Punishment;

(VIII) Other conditions that should be given a heavier punishment.

VIIII. After the identification and confirmation of legal procedures, a disciplinary offence is committed due to being unable to identify or control his / her own conduct, he / she shall not be dealt with, and shall go through the formalities of suspension or withdrawal in accordance with the relevant provisions of the school management.

X.In addition to the expulsion, the punishment of students shall be set with a period of 6-12 months (6 months for warning and serious warning; 12 months for demerit andprobation), which shall be terminated according to the prescribed procedures. Scholarship and various honorary titles shall not be assessed before the punishment of students is lifted; after the punishment is lifted, students will not be affected by the original punishment if they are granted recognition, reward and other rights and interests

ChapterThreeDiscipline Offenses and Punishments

XI.If one of the following cases happens, the University will give Expulsion Punishment:

● Violate of the Constitution of China, oppose Four Fundamental Principles of China, undermine stability and unity of the society and disturb social order;

● Violate national law and commit the criminal offense;

●Receive punishment due to violation of public security management regulation and cause bad social influence;

●Take exams by others, take exams for others, cheat or organizecheating activity in exams, use communication devices for cheating,sellexamquestions or answers to others for profitand any other behaviors of cheating or disturbing the order in exams;

●Academic misconduct such as plagiarism, tampering and forgery in academic dissertations and publicly published research results in serious cases, or writing or buying and selling theses on behalf of others;

● Violate University rules, seriously affect teaching order, daily life order as well as public places management order;

●Infringe other individuals’ and organizations’ legitimate rights and interests and cause serious consequences;

●Subject to disciplinary punishments repeatedly and refuse to mend.

XII If the students have words or behavior of violating the Four Fundamental Principles, engages in illegal social, political, and religious activities, leak state secrets, the University will give punishment from Warning to Probation, depending on the cases. Those who wear religious costumes or carry out religious or superstitious activities in the school, if the dissuasion is invalid, shall be given a warning until probationaccording to the seriousness of the case; if the case is especially serious, they shall be expelled from theUniversity.

XIIIAnyone who violates state laws, decrees and regulations and therefore receives punishment from public security and judicial departments, according to different circumstances, shall be given the following punishments:

(I) Anyone who receives public order warning or fine from public security organsshall be given Warning or Serious Warning;

IIAnyone who is held in custody for violating public security rules, shall be given Demerit;

(III)Anyone who isdecided not to prosecute by the Procuratorate, shall be given Probation;

(IV) Anyone who is exempted from criminal punishment; anyone whois sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment for a negligent crime and a suspended sentence is pronounced, he may be expelled.

XIIII.Anyone who gathers a crowd and makes disturbances or engages in other illegal activities which undermines campus order shall be given the following punishments based on the severity of the case:

(I) Anyone who gets minor violation andpleadsguiltyto abetterattitude shall be given Warning or Serious Warning;

(II) Anyone who get relatively serious violation shall be given Demerit or Probation;

(III) Anyone who get serious violation shall be given Expulsion.

XV.Anyone who smuggles ,traffics, transports, manufactures, abuses drug, or harbors, abets, threatens ,tracks others into taking drugs, based on the severity of the case , shall be given the punishment as follows:

(I) Drug abusers shall be given punishment from Serious Warning to Probation based on the severity of the case; anyone who can not abandon drugs within required time shall be given Expulsion;

(II) Anyone who abets, threatens, tracks others into taking drugs or offers place for taking drugs , shall be given punishment from Probation or expulsion;

(III)Anyone who smuggles, traffics, transports, manufactures shall be given Expulsion.

XX.In case of any of the following circumstances, in addition to the corresponding judicial treatment, depending on the circumstances, the student shall be given a warninguntil probationaccording to the disciplines:

(I)In violation of the relevant provisions of the state and the school on the use of the network, log in to the illegal website and disseminate illegal text, audio, video materials, etc., fabricate or disseminate false or harmful information; attack or invade others’ computers and mobile communication network systems, illegally acquire, sell or provide personal information, etc;

(II)Perpetrators, planners, participants and providers of murder weaponin a fight;

(III)Anyone engagesin illegal pyramid selling or illegal financial activities;

(IV)Anyonewho illegally takes possession of public or private properties by any means, in addition to compensate the properties and receive punishments from public security organs, shall be given punishmentbased on the severity of the case;

(V)Anyone who damages public and private properties intentionallyshallcompensate economic losses;

(VI)Anyone who violates relevant provisions of dormitory management, disturbs dormitory management order;

(VII)Anyone who violate civil code of ethics and code of conduct for university students;

(VIII) Anyone whodestroy environmental health, disturb the normal order of school public places and affectcampuspublic safety

(VX)Anyone who organizes or participates in gambling in various ways(including internet gambling), based on the severity of the case, shall be given punishment as follows:

1.Anyone who joins mahjong, poker and other means for gamblingor internet ambling, once discovered, based on the severity of the case,shall be givenwarninguntil demeritand gambling money and gambling equipment shall be confiscated by relevant departments;

2.Anyone who organizes gamblingor internet gamblingshall be given Probation.

(VXI)Anyone who violates fire safety management laws or regulations, uses fire fighting equipment without permission or damages the equipment, use electricity, fire and dangerous goods against regulations , violates Provisions of the Forest Fire Prevention,in addition to compensate for the losses, shall be given from Warning to Serious Warning; Anyone who cause a fire alarm ,in addition to compensate the losses, shall be given Demerit; anyone who caused a fire, in addition to compensate the losses, shall be given Probation, based on the severityof the case.

(VXII)Anyone who is absent from class shall be given punishment from Re-education to Discipline Punishment based on the severity of the case:

1.Anyone who is absent for more than 12 teaching hours shall be given Warning;

2.Anyone who is absent for more than 24 teaching hours shall be given Serious Warning;

3.Anyone who is absent for more than 36 teaching hours shall be given Demerit;

4.Anyone who is absent for more than 48 teaching hours shall be given Probation.

(VXX)Anyone leavesschool without permission

(VXXI)Anyoneviolatesacademic discipline

(VXXII)Anyone violatesexamination discipline

VXIIDisciplinary offenses that were not listed in the provision shall be judged on similar principlesto give the appropriate punishment.



XXI.In case of any disciplinary violation, theSubordinate School(Anji campus) shall criticize and educate the students. In case of disciplinary punishment of warning, serious warning and demerit, theSubordinate School(Anji campus) where the students are located shall discuss and put forward the punishment opinions. After the student work meeting (led byStudent AffairsOffice orSchool ofGraduate,participated byrelevant functional departments andSubordinate School(Anji campus) examineand approve, and the student department or graduate student department shall draft and publish the documents on behalf of the University.

XXIIStudents’ incidents of indiscipline related to more than one subordinated schools (Anji campus) happen, the materials should be provided by the relevant subordinated school(Anji campus) and departments (For violation of teaching management regulations and the examination rules by Teaching Affairs Department; for violation of the provisions of the National and Campus Order Management of Public Security by the Security Department; For violation of dormitory discipline by Dormitory Management Center).Under the leadership of theStudentAffairs Office orSchool of Postgraduate, the relevant subordinated schools (Anji campus) and functional departments shall be convened to form a student work meeting to find out the facts, examine and approve the punishment opinions, and theStudentAffairs Office orSchool of Postgraduate shall draft and publish the documents on behalf of theUniversity.

XXIIIIf students are givenProbation, the indisciplinematerials should be provided by the relevant subordinated schools (Anji campus)and departments (For violation of teaching management regulations and the examination rules by Teaching Affairs Department; for violation of the provisions of the National and Campus Order Management of Public Security by the Security Department;For violation of dormitory discipline by Dormitory Management Center)After the student work meeting (led byStudent AffairsOffice orSchool ofGraduate,participated byrelevant functional departments andSubordinate School(Anji campus)find out the facts, examine and approve the punishment opinions,StudentAffairs Office orSchool of Postgraduate will draft the documents on behalf of the University, and the school leader in charge of the student work or postgraduate work will sign and issue the punishment decision and announce

XXIIIIIf students are givenExpulsion,the indisciplinematerials should be provided by the relevant subordinated schools(Anji campus) and departments (For violation of teaching management regulations and the examination rules by Teaching Affairs Department; for violation of the provisions of the National and Campus Order Management of Public Security by the Security Department;After the student work meeting (led byStudent AffairsOffice orSchool ofGraduate,participated byrelevant functional departments andSubordinate School(Anji campus)find out the facts,put forward the punishment opinions and submit them to the president's office meeting for discussion and decision. The President shall sign and issue the punishment decision and announce it. The punishment decision of expelling the student status shall be reported to the Education Department of Zhejiang Province for record.

XXXBefore making a disciplinary decision on a student, the subordinated schools(Anji campus) shall inform the student of the facts, reasons and basis for making the decision, and inform the student of the right to make a statement and defense, listen to the student's statement or defense, or his agent's statement and defense.

XXXI TheUniversityshall issue a written decision on the punishment of a student. The punishment decision shall include the following contents: (1) basic information of students; (2) facts and evidence of punishment; (3) types, basis and time limit of punishment; (4) ways and time limit of appeal; (5) other necessary contents.

XXXIIThe disposition, disposition decision and disposition notice shall be directly delivered to the student himself or herself. If the student refuses to sign for it, it can be delivered by lien; if the student has left theuniversity, it can be delivered by mail; if it is difficult to contact, it can be delivered by public announcement using the university website, news media, etc. After the decision is made, it may be published in an appropriate way.

XXXIIIThe punishment documents shall be filled out in a standard way and truly and completely included in the school documents and personal files. The materials must be filled in with black water pen or pen. The required materials must be complete and kept on file.The materials should be original, including the event, self-reviewing,references, testimony of witnesses, detailed time, place and final disposal decisions and so on.

XXXIIIIExpelled students shall start procedures for leaving University in a week after the decision of punishment is announced (If students appeal, the date should start after the University appeal procedure ends).If the procedures are not done in required time, the subordinated school will handle the procedure instead of student himself. Its aftermath will be handled according to relevant regulations of ZUST.

Chapter Five

Procedures for acceptance and handling ofAppeal

XXXXTheUniversityformulates relevant management measures for students' appeals, and establishesStudentAppealsHandling Committee, which is responsible for accepting appeals filed by students who are not satisfied with the decisions of handling and punishment.

XXXXIThe director ofStudentAppealsHandling Committee is the leader in charge of thestudents affairs and the committee members are composed of the relevant principals of the schools, the heads of the functional departments, the teachers' representatives, the students' representatives and the legal advisers.

XXXXIIIf a student has any objection to the school's decision on handling or punishment, he / she may, within 10 days (excluding holidays) from the date of receiving the school's decision on handling or punishment, file a written appeal toStudentAppealsHandling Committee. If the applicationis overdue, theuniversityshall not accept it.

XXXXIIIStudent Appeal Committee will review students’ appeals and will give reply to within 15 working days after receiving the written appeal.If the situation is complex and the conclusion can not be made within the prescribed time limit, 15 days may be extended with the approval of the school principal. If the s Student Appeal Committee considers it necessary, it may recommend that theuniversitysuspend the implementation of the relevant decision.

XXXXIIIIAfter reexamination, if the Student Appeal Committee believes that the facts, basis and procedures for handling or punishment are improper, it may make a reexamination suggestion of cancellation or change, request relevant functional departments to study it, and submit it to the president's office meeting or special meeting for decision.

If the student has any disagreement or objection to the review, he or she can submit a written appeal to the Education Department of Zhejiang Provincial within 15 working days after the University gives result of review.

ChapterFiveSupplementary Provisions

XXXXXStudents who receive further education with higher academic qualifications, overseas Chinese from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and international students shall refer to these provisions.

XXXXXIRelevant departments can formulate relevant provision which is based on this regulation. If there are difference between other provisions and this regulation, the latter shall prevail.The old version of 2015(NO.117) is abolished.

XXXXXIIStudent Affairs Department is responsible for the interpretation of this regulation.

XXXXXIIIThe Regulation was passed by University President Meeting and was implemented from September 1, 2017.
