
Rules and Regulations for Chinese Language Students at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology

Feb 1, 2023 Hits:

Chapter OneEnrollment andRegistration

Article 1New international students should register with their passport, admission notice, and the JW201/JW202 form at International Students Affair Center during the stipulated time.

Article 2All international students should register at International Students Affair Center during the stipulated time each semester.

Article 3If international students can not arrive at the university on time for some reason, they should ask for leave International Students Affair Center in advance. If students do not ask for leave or the leave exceeds the time limit,the admissionwill be cancelled.

Article 4New international studentswho studyin China for one semester or longer, should have a Health Examination at the designated hospital. If students have had a physical examination overseas, they should have the examination certified by a designated authority in Hangzhou. If the examination results do not conform to the health standards in China, they have to leave the school.

Article5International Students Affair Centeris in charge of daily management andservice, likeChinese laws and school regulation education, safety education, library usage, etc. School of Humanities and International Education is in charge of teachingaffairsand issuing Students ID cards.

Chapter Two Class Division and Class Changes

Article6New international students should participate in tests (written and oral examination) at the beginning of the semester. They will be divided into the classes according to test results. Former students will be divided into the classes according to test result of the last semester. During the first week, all international students, without exception, should enter their respective class and attend classes according to the registration list.

Article7If the international students think that their Chinese proficiency does not suit the registered class and hope to change, they must submit a written application toSchool of Humanities and International Educationwithin the first two weeks of the new semester. After passing the written and oral exam and getting approval fromSchool of Humanities and International Education,they may make the appropriate adjustment.

Article8International students, who have received permission to change class, should attend classes at the new class and exchange the old teaching materials for the new by showing the written notice fromSchool of Humanities and International Education.

Article9International students are not allowed to change classes at the same level. In principle, former students are not considered to change classes.

Chapter Three Classroom Discipline and Attendance Checking

Article10International students should observe the study discipline of their own accord and attend class on time. They cannot be late for class, leave earlier from class or be absent from class without permission. During teaching hours, going in and out of the classroom, eating and other activity disrupting teaching are not allowed.

Article11Students should always be in attendance and if a student cannot attend the class due to illness or for other reasons, he or she should request an excused absence in advance.

I. Students should go toSchool of Humanities and International Educationto ask for leave. When asking for a sick leave, students must provide a medical certificate and relative proof from the hospital. If the leave is less than three days, students can ask for leave from the teachers in charge of their class.If their leave is longer than three days and less than one week, students should ask for leave of absence from vice dean in charge ofteachingaffairsand keep records in International StudentsAffairsCenter. If the leave is longer than one week, students should ask for leave from the dean ofSchool of Humanities and International Educationand keep records in International StudentsAffairsCenter.If the leave is longer than two months, they will be assigned to a grade lower than their current grade.

II. In general,students are not allowed for private affair leave. In special cases that the student has to ask for leave, he or she should request an excused absence in advance.The procedure is the same as asking for a sick leave.

III. If a student wants to leaveChinabecause of private affairs, he or she should ask permission fromSchool of Humanities and International Education andInternational Students Affair Center and handle the relative procedures.

IV. Missing class without a previously granted excused absence or missing class after the granted time will be considered as skipping class (unexcused absence).

Article12The teachers will check attendance. If the accumulative absence (sick leave with proof from a hospital excluded) is up to 50teaching periodsin one semester, he/she will be warned with a written notice the first time. If the accumulative absence is up to80teaching periods, he/she will be warned with a written notice the second time. If the accumulative absence is up to140teaching periods, he/she will be expelled.

Article13At the end of each month the head teachers and course teachers will sum up the students’ attendance together, report to theInternationalStudent Affairs Centerand inform the students. If finding some mistakesin the record of attendance, the students should report it to the head teacher. After being confirmed,School of Humanities and International Educationwill correct it

Article 14International students are entitled to our country’s holidays and the university winter and summer vacation.

Chapter Four Examination andAssessment

Article 15Students should observe the education plan and have examination of eachcourse.

Article 16Examinations include the regular tests and final examinations. It’s decided by the teacher that how much percent the tests account for. Regular tests should be more than twice every term. The final grade for each course is decided by monthly tests, class performance, attendance and final examination. The details are as follows: final grade (100%)= themid-term examination(20%) +class performance(10%) +attendance rate(10%) +final examination(60%).or the teaching can propose other methods of score evaluation and carry it out after receiving permission from the school.

Article 17The assessment adopts a hundred-mark system.

Article 18If students can not sit the examination because of sickness or special cases, they should apply toSchool of Humanities and International Educationin time with a written notice to postpone the examination. After getting permission, they will have the postponed examination. But they should pay extra fees incurred. The examination is marked as usual.

Article 19Students who have one of the situations below can’t attend a make-up


I. Students who attend less than 1/2 the classes in one term are not allowed to attend the examination of this course.Students and relative teacher will receive a written paper by School of Humanities and International Education. The course is marked “0”. He or she can’t attend a make-up examination.

II. Students who don’t obey test principle or cheat in the test or absent in the test without asking for permission will have no score of the course. He or she can’t attend the make-up examination of this course.

Article20Students who fail the final examination are given one chance to attend a make-up examination.The time will be arranged by School of Humanities and International Education.If they fail to attend the exam, they will be regarded as giving up. The result of the make-up examination adopts a pass-fail system.

Chapter Five Upgrading, Down-grading, Skip-grading, and Graduation

Article 21Classes for ordinary Chinese language students are divided into seven levels: Primary 1, Primary 2, Primary 3; Intermediate 1; Intermediate 2; Senior 1; Senior 2. The result of the assessment forms the basis for the decision whether international students will advance to a higher grade or fail.

Article 22Upgrading:students whose final evaluation of Intensive Reading dont failcan advance to the next level.

Article 23Repeat-grading:students whose final evaluation of Intensive Reading failsmust repeat the course at the same level.

Article 24Skip grading:students whose final evaluation of allcoursereach90 points or more, can applyto take Skip Test.Those who pass the test canskipping 1 grade.

Article 25International students will be awarded a diploma and an academic transcript when they finish required courses, pass the intensive reading examination and get less than 1 failure in other courses.

Article 26Students who are in following situations can’t be awarded a diploma.School of Humanities and International Educationwill only provide the certificate of study and an academic transcript.

I.Students who fail to pass the intensive reading examination or get more than 1 failure at other courses.

II.Students who end study prior to the planned period because of personal reasons.

Article 27International Students Affairs Center is in charge of issuing Study Certificate and Graduation Certificate.School of Humanities and International Education is in charge of issuing transcripts and distributing Graduation Certificate.

Chapter Six HSK

Article 28School of Humanities and International Educationis in charge of publishing HSK examination information. Students should go toSchool of Humanities and International Educationto sign for it in set time. Once students miss the set time, they have to login relative website to sign for HSK and pay fees. After receiving HSK transcripts and certificates,School of Humanities and International Educationwill contact students to claim HSK transcripts and certificates. If the transcripts and certificates need posting, the students should pay the postage.

Article 29ZUST encourages students to sign up for the HSK examination. For those Chinese language students, if they intend to continue to major in science,engineering,economics, management or art,they should pass New HSK level 4 with 180 points or higher; if they intend to continue to major inliterature and pedagogy, they should pass New HSK4with 195 points or higher..

Chapter Seven Attachment

Article30The explanation rights belong toInternational Students Affairs Center.

Article31This regulationtakeseffect after it is passed at the regular president’s conference. The old version is abolished.
