Notices & Announcements

Outstanding New Students of ZUST Scholarship Calls for Application

Feb 15, 2021 Hits:

Outstanding New Students ofZUST ScholarshipCalls forApplication

TofinanceoutstandingstudentstopursuestudiesinZhejiangUniversityofScienceandTechnology(ZUST),weofferOutstandingNewStudentsof ZUSTScholarshipfor undergraduate andgraduate programs.

1. Categories and values of scholarship

The first level covers100% percent ofthe first year’stuitionfee,The second level covers 70% ofthefirstyear’stuitionfee,

The third level covers 50% ofthefirst year’stuitionfee.

The fourth level covers 30%ofthefirst year’stuitionfee.

2. Time forapplication

Applicants for Outstanding NewStudents ofZUST Scholarshipcanapplyonlyonceayear. The application deadline is 30th, June. Please notethatthescholarshipisdividedinto the two semesters ofthe first academic year,andscholarship winnersshallmaintaingoodschool performanceandclassattendancefor thefirstsemestersoas tocontinuetheresthalfofthescholarshipforthesecondsemester.

3. Application requirements

1)Basic requirements:

Applicantforbachelor’sdegreeprogram shouldhaveobtained seniorhigh schooldiploma or equivalent education, and be under the ageof30.

Applicant for master’s degree program should have obtained the bachelor’s degreeorequivalent education and be under the age of35.

2)Other requirements:

A. Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens and be in good health.

B. Applicants shouldcomplywiththelawsandregulationsinChina,andcomplywith the rules and disciplines in the host university.

C. Applicantsfor Chinese-taughtprograms should havea good knowledgeofChineseand provide proofssuchas HSK certificatesor otherChineselearningorChinese examination certificates. For those applying for coursestaughtinEnglish,the standard might be lowered.

D. Applicants should have agood academic recordwhichisamong topoftheclass.E.ApplicantsshouldNOTbeawardedwithotherkindsofscholarshipsofalllevels.

4.Application documents (Application documents will NOT bereturned)

1) Application formforOutstanding NewStudentsofZUSTScholarship.

2)Notarized highest diploma and transcripts.


4)Health certificate.

5) 2 Recommendationlettersfrom professors/assistant professors.

6) Study Plan

5. Application procedures


2)Contact us with your application ID,passport number, passport name and major.Wait for the admission results ofmajor.

3)Admission Office will deliver an e-offer ifthe applicationisapproved.

4)Apply for Outstanding NewStudents ofZUST Scholarship for at

5)Send all the application materials to the e-mail ofAdmission Office.

6)Scholarship notice will be delivered after the candidate pays for pre-paid tuition.

6.Contact Information

Telephone+86-571-85070095 +86-571-85070141



Address:International StudentAffairs Center, Zhejiang University of Science andTechnology, No.318 Liuhe Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, ChinaPost code:310023

InternationalStudentAffairs Center

Zhejiang Universityof Science and Technology
