E-mail: linxuefen_zust@163.com
1. EEG-based emotion recognition for road accidents in a simulated driving, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2024, 87: 105411 (SCI中科院二区)
2. EEG emotion recognition using improved graph neural network with channel selection, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2023(第一作者,SCI中科院二区)
3. The Impact of Media Diversity and Cognitive Style on Learning Experience in Programming Video Lecture: A Brainwave Analysis. Education and Information Technologies, 2023(第一作者,SSCI收录)
4. The impact of students’ cellphoneuse and selfcontrol on academic performance in traditional classroom,Asia Pacific Education Review, 2023(通讯作者,SSCI收录)
5. Using peer code review to improve computational thinking in a blended learning environment: A randomized control trial. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2021, 29(6): 1825-1835.(第一作者,SCI,SSCI收录)