主讲人简介:杨育梅,兰州大学固体力学系博士、兰州理工大学副教授、硕士生导师。主要从事高温超导材料结构的电磁力学行为及电磁智能材料的多场力学行为研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,主持兰州理工大学博士基金项目1项,主持完成西部灾害与环境力学教育部重点实验室开放基金1项。已在JAP,IEEE Trans.,Phys. C., Acta Mech. Sin.,Acta Phys. Sin.等期刊上发表学术论文十余篇。
[1]. Peng Chen,Yumei Yang*,Effects of critical current density on mechanical properties of cylindrical superconductors. Acta Physica Sinica.2019.68(18) 187402.
[2].Yumei Yang,Haijun Lou, Xinnan Lin, High-k Spacer Consideration Of Ultra-scaled Gate-All-Around Junctionless Transistor In Ballistic Regime, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2018. 65.12.
[3].Yumei Yang, Xingzhe Wang, Flux-pinning-induced stress and magnetostriction in a superconducting strip under combination of transport current and magnetic field.Journal of Applied Physics, 2017. 122. 115103.
[4].Yumei Yang, Xingzhe Wang, Magnetization and magnetoelastic behavior of a functionally graded rectangular superconductor slab.Journal of Applied Physics, 2014. 116. 023901.
[5].Yumei Yang, Xingzhe Wang, Stress and magnetostriction in an infinite hollow superconductor cylinder with a filling in its central hole.Physic C: Superconducitivty and its Applications. 2013. 485. 58-63
[6].Yumei Yang, Xingzhe Wang, and Wenjie Zhang, Thermoelastic Stress Analysis of Multilayered Films in a Micro-Thermoelectric Cooling Device,Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2012. 28.1-7