
信息来源: 点击次数:发布时间:2023-05-16


一、报告题目:Quantum cost of dense coding and teleportation

二、报告人:陈霖 副教授

三、时间:2023517(周三) 9:00-10:00


报告提要:Quantum cost is a key ingredient in evaluating the quality of quantum protocols from a practical viewpoint. We show that the quantum cost of a d-dimensional dense coding protocol is equal to d + 3 when transmitting the classical message (0,0) and d + 4 when transmitting another classical message. It appears as linear growth with the dimension and thus makes sense for implementation. In contrast, the quantum cost of high-dimensional teleportation protocols is equal to 13, which is the maximum value of the cost for the two-dimensional case. As an application, we establish the relation between the quantum cost and fidelity of dense coding protocols in terms of four typical noise scenarios.

报告人简介:陈霖于2008年获得浙江大学理论物理博士,先后在新加坡国立大学和加拿大滑铁卢大学等单位工作,2015年开始在北航数学学院工作。研究方向是量子信息理论,譬如不可扩展基,纠缠理论,量子态区分,无偏基和张量秩等。在CMPIEEETITPRLQuantum等期刊发表论文多篇,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目等,担任Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology的审稿编辑等职位,一篇论文评为英国物理协会2017年度高光,2023年发表于IEEETIT的工作解决了2014WinterLinden等人提出的关于矩阵秩的猜想。



