【廿周年院庆学术报告116】 · 【和山数学论坛第395期】
一、报告题目:Detection of network steering and genuine network steering
报告提要:The quantum network correlations play significant roles in long distancequantumcommunication,quantum cryptographyand distributedquantum computing. Generally it is very difficult to characterize the multipartite quantum network correlations such as nonlocality, entanglement and steering. In this paper, we propose the network and the genuine network quantum steering models from the aspect of probabilities in the star network configurations. Linear and nonlinear inequalities are derived to detect the network and genuine network quantum steering when the central party performs one fixed measurement. We show that our criteria can detect more quantum network steering than that from the violation of then-locality quantum networks. Moreover, it is shown that biseparable assemblages can demonstrate genuine network steering in the star network configurations.