【和山数学论坛104 讲】厦门大学白正简教授学术报告10月25日下午

信息来源:学院办公室   点击次数:  发布时间:2016-10-23


【和山数学论坛104 讲】厦门大学白正简教授学术报告1025日下午


一、题目: A Riemannian Inexact Newton-CG Method for Nonnegative Inverse Eigenvalue Problems: Nonsymmetric Case


三、时 20161025日,下午:15:00-16:00(周二)

四、地 :闻理园A4-305

摘要: In this talk, we consider the nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem of finding a nonnegative matrix such that its spectrum is the prescribed self-conjugate set of complex numbers. We reformulate the nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem as an underdetermined constrained nonlinear matrix equation over several matrix manifolds. Then we propose a Riemannian inexact Newton-CG method for solving the nonlinear matrix equation. The global and quadratic convergence of the proposed method is established. Finally, we report some numerical experiments to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method.


