
信息来源:学院办公室 点击次数:发布时间:2014-06-16


一、主讲人:Yun Kang(唐云)Nicolas Lanchier(尼古拉斯),美国Arizona州立大学

二、主题:1).唐云:Dynamics of intraguild predation models: Allee effects in resource,

specialist/generalist top predator

2).尼古拉斯:Fluctuation versus fixation in the one-dimensional Axelrod model

Abstract:报告一: Intraguild predation (IGP) is a combination of competition and predation which is the most basic system in food webs that contains three species where two species that are involved in a predator/prey relationship are also competing for a shared resource or prey. We formulate three intraguild predation (IGP: resource, IG prey and IG predator) models: 1. The first model has Allee effects in resource and specialist IG predator, which has Holling-Type I functional response among resource, IG prey and IG predator; 2. The second model has generalist IG predator while the third one has specialist IG Predator, where both models have Holling-Type I functional response between resource-IG prey and resource-IG predator; Holling-Type III functional response between IG prey and IG predator. By comparing the dynamics of these three models, we are able to investigate the following ecological questions: i) How do Allee effects in resource affect the dynamics of IGP models? ii) How does generalist vs. specialist IG predator affect species persistence and extinction of IGP models? iii) How does different functional response between IG prey and IG predator affect the dynamic patterns of IGP models?dator

报告二The Axelrod model is a spatial stochastic model for the dynamics of cultures which includes two important social factors: social influence, the tendency of individuals to become more similar when they interact, and homophily, the tendency of individuals to interact more frequently with individuals who are more similar. Individuals are located on the vertex set of a graph and are characterized by a set of cultural features. Pairs of neighbors interact at a rate proportional to the number of features they have in common, which models homophily, while as the result of the interaction the two neighbors have one more cultural feature in common, which models social influence. This stochastic process has been extensively studied during the past 15 years based on numerical simulations. In contrast, this talk gives the first rigorous fluctuation and fixation results for the one-dimensional system that sometimes confirm and sometimes contradict conjectures formulated by statistical physicists and social scientists.

Yun Kang(唐云)2008年在亚利桑那州国立大学(ASU)获得应用数学博士。目前,她是亚利桑那州立大学副教授。她的主要研究领域是动力系统和数学生物学,包括理论和建模组件。Kang博士的研究由西蒙斯基金会和美国国家科学基金会资助。

Nicolas Lanchier(尼古拉斯)lanchier博士在1999年获得学士学位,2002年获得硕士学位,2005年在法国里昂大学获得数学博士学位。lanchier博士目前是在亚利桑那州立大学数学系副教授。他主要研究空间随机过程在生命科学和社会科学中的应用。他目前的研究是由美国国家科学基金会的DMS项目资助
