(1). Zhi Zhao, Xiaoqing Jin, Zhengjian Bai, Tengteng Yao, A generalized geometric spectral conjugate gradient algorithm for finding zero of a monotone tangent vector field on a constant curvature Hadamard manifold, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2022, 422:114882.
(2). Tengteng Yao, Zhi Zhao, Zhengjian Bai, Xiaoqing Jin, A Riemannian derivative-free Polak-Ribiere-Polyak method for tangent vector field, Numerical Algorithms, 2020, 86(1):325-355.
(3). Tengteng Yao, Zhengjian Bai, Xiaoqing Jin, Zhi Zhao, A geometric Gauss-Newton method for least squares inverse eigenvalue problems, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2020, 60(3):825-852.
(4). Tengteng Yao, Lu Fang, Li Wei, A Riemannian nonmonotone spectral method for self-adjoint tangent vector field, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2020, 161:208-217.
(5). Tengteng Yao, Zhengjian Bai, Zhi Zhao, A Riemannian variant of the Fletcher–Reeves conjugate gradient method for stochastic inverse eigenvalue problems with partial eigendata, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 2019, 26:e2221.
(6). Tengteng Yao, Zhengjian Bai, Zhi Zhao, and Wai-Ki Ching, A Riemannian Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient method for doubly stochastic inverse eigenvalue problems, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2016, 37(1):215--234.
(7). Tengteng Yao, 基于一致系数求积的广义牛顿法求解非线性方程组,《厦门大学学报 (自然科学版)》, 2016, 55:221-226.
(8). Tengteng Yao, and Zhengjian Bai,Semidefinite inverse eigenvalue problems with prescribed entries and partial eigendata, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2015, 287:115-124.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,11701514,两类特征值互补问题及反问题的黎曼优化方法及其应用,2018/01-2020/12,21万,结题,主持.
2. 浙江省自然科学基金一般项目,LY21A010004,Hadamard流形上两类特殊问题的黎曼优化算法及其应用,2021/01-2023/12,5万,在研,主持.
3. 浙江省自然科学基金一般项目,LY21A010010,两类特征值反问题的预处理迭代算法研究,2021/01-2023/12,5万,在研,参与.
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11671337,若干结构特征值反问题的黎曼优化算法研究,2017/01-2020/12,48万元,结题,参与.