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Training ObjectivesvThis program is to cultivate applied advanced engineering and technical talents who master modern package basic theory and applied skills, who can be engaged in enterprises or organizations of production, circulation, research, trade, commodity inspection and be qualified in such job as technology design, enterprise management, research development, quality assurance. �II. Training Stardards �Students of the specialty learn basic theories and knowledge on engineering science and humanistic and social science, mainly study basic theory and professional knowledge such as package materials, package structure design, package process technology , receive fundamental training of package engineer , cultivate and train the capability of solving actual engineering technical problems to be a qualified engineer in modern package industry.i1. Master basic knowledge like mathematics, mechanics, computer needed by package engineering discipline. 2. Master the professional basic knowledge and technical theory, mainly included as follows: package materials, package structure design, package decoration design, package process technology, package machinery, package printing, package management and standards.V3.Get the preliminary ability to package design, develop, test and structure analyze .q4. Know package relative standards, policy and regulations, know the status quo and development of package field. 5.With abilities of creative and computative.Strong ability of self-learning and sense of innovation.High level of foreign language proficiency; mastery of foreign language for package engineering in reading and translation of the professional publications smoothly.g6.Quality:With the good physical quality, psychological quality, cultural quality and behavior quality.Contents0The Main Courses or Education Training Strategy the first termthe second termthe third termthe fourth termthe fifth termthe sixth termthe seventh termthe eighth term knowledgebasic science knowledge6Advanced Mathematics B C Language and Programming[College Physics C Advanced Mathematics B Engineering Drawing B  Engineering MechanicsElectrical Engineering BGraduation project"professional fundamental knowledgeCognition Practice-Introduction to Packaging Polymer FundementalJPackaging Materials Packaging Packaging decoration Design RPackaging Printing Packaging Process Packaging Structure Designabilitytechnical communication abilityforeign language abilityCollege English 2 College English 3College English 4Packaging Specialty EnglishF engineering training and ability of solve actual engineering p�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������roblemsJPhysical Experiment of College B Cognition Practice Engineering Drawing B Metalworking Practice�Packaging decoration Design Computer Aided Graphic Design Experiment of Electrotechnics and Electronics Level B Electronics in Electrical Engineering practiceA Packaging Structure Design curriculum design Bbasic knowledge and ability of project and engineering management " Fundamentals of Morality and Law The second classquality(physical fitness,psychological quality Health Training%work attitude and humanistic quality ^ Fundamentals of Morality and Law Induction of university life Military Theory and Training kOutline of Contemporary Chinese History Guided Reading on the Analects of Confucius Cognition PracticeeIntroduction to Mao Zedong's Thought and Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese CharacteristicsNIntroduction to Fundamental Principles of Marxism Ideological Social Practice Health Training Arts electivesIV. Major DisciplinesNPackage engineering, Materials science and Engineering, Mechanical engineeringV. Core CoursesGuide to Packaging Engineering, Introduction to Packaging, Packaging Materials, Packaging machinery, Packaging Printing, Packaging decoration Design, Packaging Structure Design, Packaging Process Technology, Transport Packaging, Packaging Specialty English, 2D CAD VI. Main Internship and Practice�Military Theory and Training, Cognition Practice, Metalworking Practice, Electronics in Electrical Engineering practice, Engineering Technology practice, Ideological Social Practice, Integrated Experiment for Specility, Curriculum design, Graduate projectIVII. Length of Schooling, Degree and Credits Requirements for Graduation CreditsCredits RatiosTotalPractice TeachingRequired �� z��nNf[�e�[�c�h�N ��� z�NxY�l,{Nf[t^,{�Nf[t^,{ Nf[t^,{�Vf[t^2131-202113020�� z��nNf[�e�[�c�h�N�~N)  �� z��nNf[�e�[�c�h�N�~�N �  �[��Yef[�[�c�h��N �@b^\!jWW�[��Yef[;m�R T�yhTbf[�e  cf[gRM��hTbhTf[�e �lQqQ�[��13461013�W@x�[���� z�����W@x�[��  �[��Yef[�[�c�h��N�~N ��1�2�w1�3�4�w2�5�6�w3�7�8NN�[��!jWW2NNf[uf[`Nۏ z7hh�(Sň�] z)f[gf[gf[RR^/}��f[R �_�O��(���e/f[R) �^�� ��O��(���e/f[R) �[����(f[R/f[g)'Yf[�YNYe��1/�1 'Yf[u�_teP�^Ye��16/1SO��1 32/1 �Q�Nt���S���~3/�1 'Yf[��2 64/4 ؚI{pef[B1 64/4 C�� z�^����64/4  0��� 0�[��32/2SO��32/1 'Yf[��3 64/4 ؚI{pef[B2 64/4 'Yf[irtC64/4 'Yf[irtC 64/4�k�lN`�`N-N�Vyrr�>yO;NINt��SO�|�i��64/4SO��3 32/1 ؚRP[�W@x48/3 Sň�i����S� �32/2�] z�Rf[32/2l�KQ`;NIN�W,g�St�i��48/35uP[5u�]f[�[��B 1/�4 SňPg�ef[64/4SO��4 32/1 `?e>yO�[��2/�w2 Sňňbo�����W@x32/2 5u�]5uP[f[B 40/2.5 ���{:g���Rs^b�����32/< 2ǑΘ1/�w2SňpS7R48/3 o�Sň YT�b/g32/2 SO(�eP�^���~0.25/�5 Sň�~�g����48/3 Sň�~�g�� z����2/�5 Sň�]z�f[48/3SňPg�eb�WN6RY�b/g32/2SolidWorks�^(u48/3 ���{:g���R N�~����32/2 �N:g�] zf[32/2Sň����48/3 ONb_a�����32/2'Yf[uL�N�SU\N1\Nc�[2 8/0.5 Sň�{tNh�Q32/2 Sň:g�h�� z����2/�w3Sň:g�h48/3SňCAD 48/3 Џ��Sň�� z����2/�w3 SňN��x��32/2SO(�eP�^���~0.25/�7 �] z�b/g�[`N6/�7 Sň�]z��� z����2/�7 L�N�b��t��[2/�7'Yf[uL�N�SU\N1\Nc�[�[��1,{�N��X2�_�O�� z�0 ��Of[R�0 �[��f[R�8 �kN��������e �8/�8O Sň�] z�[��0Sň�i��(�S�)0SňPg�ef[0Sň:g�h0SňpS7R0Sňňbo�����W@x0Sň�~�g����0Sň�]z�f[0Џ��Sň0SňNN��0���{:g���Rs^b����� 726115201-26115204 713116007-13116010 710111066-10111067 7 �] z6R�VB2 48/3 731117082-311117083 714224001 714231007 73 74 7{��]�[��16/1 7 �Q�Nt���S���~3/�1 71-4 7�e:g�SR�gSf[B 64/4����Rek 48/3  g:gSf[C 64/4 7�e:g�SR�gSf[B 64/4 7����r�i_ 48/3 7Sň����h��s�b�l 48/3��Ƌ�[`N1/�w2 7 {��]:g�h�����W@x 48/3 ���{:g���R N�~����32/2 7 Sň�{tNh�Q32/2 7ߘ�TSň32/2 7Sň:g�h48/3 7 Sň�N�T�|�~����48/3 7SňpS7R48/3 7� ,gNNf[uf[`N�] z�yf[�T�N�e0>yO�yf[�v�W@x�wƋ �͑�pf[`NSňPg�ef[0Sň�~�g����0Sň�]z�f[I{�W@xt���TNN�wƋ ��c�SSň�] z^�v�W,g���~ ��W{Q�T���~㉳Q�[E��] z�b/g��v���R ���܀�N�s�NSňNN�~�] z^�v�]\O0 1.�c�c�N�NSň�] zf[�y�_{��vpet0�Rf[0���{:gI{���W�W@x�wƋ�000000000000000000000000000002.�c�c,gNN�W@x�wƋ�T�b/gt�� �;N��S�b�SňPg�ef[0Sň�~�g����0Sňňbo����0Sň�]z�f[0Sň:g�h0SňpS7R0Sň�{tNh�QI{�eb��v�W,g�wƋ00000000000000000000000000000000000000 3.wQ gSň�N�T����0_�S0KmՋ0�~�gR�gI{�vRek���R�00000000000000000000000000004.�N�Sň�vsQh�Q�T?eV{�lĉ ��N�Sň���W�v�s�r�T�SU\�0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005.wQ g��:_�RKb���RNR ����R � g��:_�f[���R�TR�eaƋ �wQ g��ؚ�vY�4ls^ ��N�S,gNN���W�vY틔^(u���R0 6.�W,g }(���Bl�wQ go�}Y�vut }(�0�_t }(�0�eS }(��TL�:N }(�0 7Sň�~�g������ z����  7$Sň:g�h�� z���� Џ��Sň�� z�����!jWW1 �/Sň�N�T�|�~�����!jWW2 � 7Sň�]z�f[�� z���� �] z�b/g�[`N ,{�N��X 7y��vN�] z�{t�v�W,g�wƋ�T�SN���R 7 Sň�] z0Pg�e�yf[N�] z0:g�h�] z 7{��]�[�� 7Guide to Light Engineering 7`Packaging Process Technology curriculum design Engineering Technology practice The second class  77Packaging machinery Transport Packaging  7 peW[�ZSO�b/g32/204451002 704451010 701124066 701123004 702121056 7 NN T�y�Sň�] z  �� zB\!k  �� z'`(�  �� z�Nx  �� z T�y  f[R  ;`f[�e  ���QYef[  �Ջf[g  Tf[ghTf[�eRM�  Y�l  t �� f[ �e        �[��f[�e  �[��f[�e  ,{Nf[t^  ,{�Nf[t^  ,{ Nf[t^  ,{�Vf[t^  �1   �2   �3   �4   �5   �6   �7   �8   16hT �W@xB\!k�lQqQ�W@x�� �  7  �_�O 8 -N�Vя�s�N�S�~�� Outline of Contemporary Chinese History / `�`S��_�O{QN�l�_�W@x Fundamentals of Morality and Law = l�KQ`;NIN�W,g�St�i�� Introduction to Fundamental Principles of Marxism � �k�lN`�`N-N�Vyrr�>yO;NINt��SO�|�i�� Introduction to Mao Zedong's Thought and Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics  ( b_�RN?eV{ Education of Situation and Policy  : 'Yf[u�_teP�^Ye�� Mental Health Education for College Students N 'Yf[uL�N�SU\N1\Nc�[1-2 Career planning and guidance for college students practice 1-2  SO��1-4 Physical Education 1-4  G 25114359 25114360 25114363 25114364b25114360 25114361 25114365 25114366# $  7� 'Yf[��2-4 College English 2-4 b 'Yf[��3-5 College English 3-5  Z [ � �  7: ؚI{pef[B Advanced Mathematics B  2 'Yf[irtC College Physics C   �] z�Rf[ Engineering Mechanics  5u�]5uP[f[B Electrical Engineering B  5 C�� z�^���� C Language and Programming   �W@xB\!kT�� NNB\!k(NN�_�O��)    7 �_�O 4 {��]�[�� Guide to Light Industry   704125002 7- �e:g�SR�gSf[B Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry B   704125009 7  g:gSf[C Organic Chemistry C   7& Solidworks�^(u Application of SolidWorks  NNB\!kT��  �bU\ YTB\!k NN�bU\( c!jWW ��O �    7 !jWW1(SňPg�eN�b/g)   14222001 73 ؚRP[�W@x Polymer Fundemental  14332005 7 ߘ�TSň Food Packaging   7/ o�Sň YT�b/g Flexible Packaging Composite Technology   7 SňCAD Packaging CAD  # 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